Samantha Wiener
Student Worker Psychology University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Samantha Wiener is a graduate student at UNL, where she is pursuing her doctorate in Political Science. Samantha, who graduated from the University of Minnesota with distinction in May 2017 specializes in American policitcs and political psychology. She conducts research examining the role of emotion in judgments about immigration and evaluations of sex trafficking survivors.
Samantha serves as a program evaluation consultant for a number of Nebraska agencies including the Banisters Leadership Academy and the Nebraska ACLU. For fun, Samantha enjoys being outside, bike riding, and baking.
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Recent Conferences & Publications
American Evaluation Association Conference, Indianapolis IN, October 12, 2023. Wiener, S., Wertheimer-Meier, J., Richters, S., & Wiener, R. The Effects of State Legislation Limiting Solitary Confinement for Youth: A Process and Outcome Analysis.
Wiener, R., Wiener, S., Haselow, R., McBride, B., & Sircy, K. (in press). Emotion Regulation and Sex Trafficking: Let’s Stop Blaming the Victim. Law and Human Behavior.